Tuesday 8 June 2010

Toxoplasma gondii and Schizophrenia

As to the monologue, The Judge, it is not yet on the blog because I am tinkering with the scansion.  I want it to echo the way I said it in performance, but memory is playing tricks and I keep altering the rhythms. Its first title was The New Prometheus.  Things change.  On top of which, there is an alternative reason to the one I used that may explain why the judge went crazy.  Did his parents keep a cat, I wonder.

Browsing science web pages this morning, I  came across mention of 'Toxoplasma gondii and Schizophrenia'. From what I read, it seems that cat poo sometimes contains a bug that can infect the human brain and cause schizophrenia. Think o'that!   Instead of his father being the cause of his son's 'nervous illness', it was a cat picked up by the boy after it had done its business.

And what about those unfortunate men and women put to the fire paying the price not for witchcraft, but of a fondness for a familiar pet cat... I hasten to add that it appears from what I read this particular toxicity is  uncommon. 

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