Monday 16 August 2010

hamlet, gertrude and my book

Re: the BBC News this morning: a question in a school exam has raised some dust. My anwer to it would be that of course Prince Hamlet is more concerned for his mother than himself. Anyone with an ounce of history in their blood can understand that.  There's a hint at why this should be in my novella, William Shakespeare - Dark Phoenix. I apologise for not yet having it up on line.  I am still mulling over various quesions, such as, should I put it up for a fee, or for free, or for a donation, and should I give it a web page to itself? I hope, like Hamlet, to have made up my mind very soon.  I have retreated from finding an agent or a publisher.  It is too dispiriting waiting for replies that never arrive.  Besides, in this these hard time I can understand that there's too much risk investing in a story that could never be a blockbuster.  When all is said, it is too short, being only 52000 words long, and is about a bunch of fusty old actors getting their hose into a twist over the death of an eleven year old boy.

But I can say with confidence that is better written than anything I have yet put into this blog because my partner, a one time copy editor, has ensured that it is so. 

Once on tour, I had to whisper to my wife, Marianne, (1930-84) on stage, not to look up because the curtain above us was smouldering having come into contact with a bare electric wire - it is essential not to frighten the audience into panic  - hence my silly cartoon

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