Saturday 16 October 2010

Fairness. The carrot: to eat of, or beat with…

It is only fair to say that I’ve got a cold and so what follows is a grunge.

For me, fairness has to do with whether I feel effective or ineffective at any one time.  And Enthusiasm seems to be an important element in the matter.  I think it was the Scottish philosopher, Thomas Carlyle, who wrote that when a man is enthusiastic about something he has no need of an armchair.  The world is a rough old place.  If I am hurt in any way and cannot do anything practical to improve matters I feel ineffective.  The Government might think about helping us all to feel effective, what ever our circumstances – I am wary about giving us more and more choices, because to be inundated by choice comes perilously near to dividing our minds - to rule, I wonder?

 My picture of a donkey lashed by a carrot-whip says something about the country's present plight, something that I find hard to put into words - atchoo!

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